—Joljah21 I think the biggest thing, though, has been our families. Most of my family is very accepting, but my grandmother has said things like, ‘Oh, well his name doesn’t sound Mexican’ (he’s Dominican and Puerto Rican), and she questioned me about whether or not he was ’legal’ when she met him the first time, which was an eye opener for me. I won’t go into detail about the difficulties with his family because it’s not my place, but they’re there. Bottom line, you find out just how many closeted racist people you know when you’re in an interracial relationship."  —guineamomma For me, the hardest part of being in an interracial relationship is when that pervasive, indoctrinated racism comes out of me and hurts my husband. There have been a handful of times it has happened over the years, and it kills me every time that I could have so carelessly hurt him. We white people HAVE to do better in our own lives, with our friends, our family, and other white people. Call it out when you see it. We can’t keep ignoring it in the name of ‘civility.’ It hurts too many people too deeply." —BrokenTryst —lawyerlady —fernweh90 It’s a small thing, but it hurts every single time. Too many times in public, people don’t acknowledge we are a couple, and I don’t know how to make it any clearer besides maybe jumping up and piggybacking him. I’ve told my girls that, as soon as they graduate from high school and college, to get out of this town and never come back. I will always love and support them, but this is not how the rest of the world looks, and they need to escape."  —lilsnowflames2 —cerinamroth —haleybeatson Then, there’s the cultural differences. I cook for us, and we have very different tastes, so that’s been tough to navigate. He likes very salty and umami, I like sweeter and less salty, so most times, I make two different meals entirely or have to season our portions separately."  —bt123 She is my daughter, and in my eyes, she is perfect, not a color. I have always reminded her that she doesn’t need to choose what color she is as she’s biracial and perfect as is."  —mom2princessalyssa