—janice95 —toast2002 —decoramore —carmenwilkie —canunotmywaywardson —pandabear14 —nsous29 —actuallyno —electricbutts “It’s not representative of my job exactly, since I’m a union staffer and not an organiser, but everyone in my office loves this show as a comedy about labour unions and labour rights in general. It’s so unexpected but we keep finding parallels between the show and the workers that we represent.” —misomiso —knr8269 “I definitely 100% related to this show so much. As a chef working on the line in a busy place, it was honestly almost too real for me.” —maggpie87 —knr8269 —k2p2toend —aislincross —willowtree27 —ruccarlson —pixel_2000 —kishbish

17 Shows That Accurately Depicted A Job - 31