We were given a week to fix it or they would come out and paint over our house numbers on our two reserved parking spaces so anyone could park in our spots. Short of high school, this was the pettiest thing I’d ever seen in my life. We got another nasty letter a few days later.  Clearly some whackadoodle was driving by our house every day looking to see if we repainted yet then going home and keyboard warrioring their heart out." —c449114c2a —zkye So one day we were walking in a complete other section of the sub division and there was a house that had the same address numbers as us, but a different street name. There was the well. But it wasn’t a well. It was a freaking ornamental garden planter with beautiful flowers coming from it. It was also no bigger than a foot tall." —askaspie Turns out it was one of their neighbors who has always had a grudge about them and decided to try power tripping on the HOA board when he noticed they had a new garage door. He ended up getting kicked off shortly after." —torbielillies Another time, we were refurbishing a couple of furniture pieces in our driveway since it was easier to drag them in and out of the garage. We put up a small tent to give us some shade, granted this tent was up for about four hours, an automatic complaint from the HOA. The neighbor a few houses down has a bigger tent to protect his cars that cover the entire driveway. After those two instances, I went into the office and fought, bringing in pictures and times of all the violations." —ninabell1206 —pinkypie1

24 HOA Fights That Are Almost Unbelievably Petty - 5624 HOA Fights That Are Almost Unbelievably Petty - 2824 HOA Fights That Are Almost Unbelievably Petty - 6224 HOA Fights That Are Almost Unbelievably Petty - 8024 HOA Fights That Are Almost Unbelievably Petty - 8924 HOA Fights That Are Almost Unbelievably Petty - 5624 HOA Fights That Are Almost Unbelievably Petty - 7724 HOA Fights That Are Almost Unbelievably Petty - 6824 HOA Fights That Are Almost Unbelievably Petty - 5924 HOA Fights That Are Almost Unbelievably Petty - 624 HOA Fights That Are Almost Unbelievably Petty - 19