I never got caught. If I had? Posession by a minor, slap on the wrist for me. Absolute hell for the school. They’re lucky I never got caught. So Mr. Avery, I know your 1960’s ass recognised the smell of weed. I thought you were doing me a favor back then. Now I know you weren’t asking questions because you were covering everyone’s ass. You’re a real hero; enjoy your retirement." —u/SixStrungKing “Ugh I feel this! Spent the first 22 years of my life as a Jehovah’s Witness. I missed so damn much. I’m about to turn 24 soon and starting to build a nice life for myself. Still, I often wonder where I’d be in life if I didn’t waste so much damn time.” —u/HD_VECTOR “I would sneak out and meet up with boys from the internet from the ages of 14-16— mind you this was back in the early 2000s, so you just had to trust that they were really who they said they were. The oldest was I think 25? He actually ended up going to prison for statutory rape (not from me). Yeah, I was severely insecure and desperate and I count my lucky stars every day that nothing ever happened to me.” —u/themooniscool “This. I dated a lot of married men when I was in high school and I thought it made me mature, now I’m the age of some of those men and the idea of having sex with a 15 or 16 year old makes me want to throw up. They weren’t my cool, older boyfriends. They were pedophiles.” —u/Maleficent-Reach1415 “When i was 14, the girl i liked invited me to go hang out with her and her friend and she was literally sitting on my lap at one point, resting her head on my shoulder, and I was just like ‘wow this is nice, girls are a lot more touchy with their friends, I guess.’ I wanna slap me.” —u/crackpipewizard666 “I reckon a bunch of girls in high school were probably legitimately interested in me, and I was too fucking stupid to pick up any of these signals! My current girlfriend and I went to high school together and didn’t start dating until well after we graduated — turns out she was crushing on me for the most part, and I was too dumb to pick up the signs! To be fair, I was also crushing on her when we were younger, but I had zero confidence and was terrified of being rejected by girls.” —u/TrueDeadBling

“Was a roadie for rock bands in the ’70s and early ’80s. Now it’s the eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee station on 24/7. And when everyone put on masks during the pandemic, I discovered that I had been reading lips.” —u/Dry_Heat “Every time I think about the times I drove drunk, I want to go back in time and punch myself in the dick.” —u/yakisobacigarette —u/Electronic_Can_9792 “Many years ago a kid doing this same exact thing out in the country blew through a stop sign and hit a newlywed couple. They were dear friends of mine. The bride died the next day. The groom is still alive and cared for full time. It was hard to hate the kid who did it even though he was 100% responsible and could have avoided the whole thing by not being stupid…but I remember being stupid too and so many things could have killed me or someone else. It’s just a sad tragedy. Youth blinds you to risk and sometimes other people have to pay that price.” —u/41PaulaStreet —u/Loud-Range-2005 “I’m totally with you on that one. Grew up in a dying rust belt town, and being young, there was nothing to do but drink and explore abandoned buildings. We had no bad intentions, we were just bored kids lol, but I’m surprised we never had a roof top collapse beneath us.” —u/yinzerthrowaway412 “I wish I’d listened to my mum and worn sun hats when I was younger. I can see the aging it had caused on my forehead and now I’m in my forties, I wish I’d taken better care of my skin.” —u/lkm81

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