WARNING: SPOILERS AHEAD! Nevertheless, he still claims he didn’t hate Williams in the film, saying “I’m enormously grateful for his wonderful performance of my early, which has allowed the Gesundheit Institute to continue and expand our work. “The champ looked at me and gave me the nod that I did a good job. I worked as hard as I could possibly have worked,” said Smith, who later served as one of Ali’s pallbearers at his memorial service following his death. “I felt like [the movie] portrayed me as dumb instead of as a kid who never had consistent academic instruction and ended up thriving once he got it,” said Oher. He also didn’t like how the film depicted him as not understanding football. Letterman himself had some harsh words for the film, calling it “the biggest waste of film since my wedding photos” and likening Michael Higgins’ portrayal of him to a “psychotic chimp.” Ouch. “I thought Eddie Redmayne portrayed me very well in [the film],” said Hawking. “He spent time with ALS sufferers so he could be authentic. At times, I thought he was me.” You know that Bloom was on board with this film from the get-go since it was her idea and she was the one who pitched it to director Aaron Sorkin in the first place. Bloom also claimed that Jessica Chastain’s performance as her “blew [her] away.” Reggiani even said she spoke on behalf of the Guccis when saying that they were “truly disappointed by the film,” adding, “They are stealing the identity of a family to make a profit, to increase the income of the Hollywood system.” Durst decided to be interviewed by the film’s director, Andrew Jarecki, and later volunteered to appear in his docuseries, The Jinx, which showed him unknowingly admitting into his microphone that he was guilty of murder. Talk about karma. While Assange had communicated with Cumberbatch, saying that he had good intentions, the WikiLeaks founder asked him to reconsider being a part of the film, which he called “a project that vilified and marginalizes a living political refugee to the benefit of an entrenched, corrupt, and dangerous system.” Egerton and the filmmakers faced a daunting task in bringing the singer’s life to film, but Elton said watching it was “very emotional” for him, and he had nothing but love for Egerton’s performance. “I trusted them to do what they needed to do, artistically, and listening back I’ve been astonished with the results,” he said. Though the series intended to portray Pamela and her struggle authentically, Anderson didn’t approve of the series since day one. Anderson has never seen the show, but a source close to her says she won’t ever see it. “The drug use [in the film] and the stuff with the hookers and the sales assistants and sex in the office…that stuff is really, really accurate,” said Belfort. He showed a lot of support for the film and even made a cameo at the end of it (which might’ve sent a mixed message as the film was trying to denounce Belfort’s actions). He also guided DiCaprio through the infamous “cerebral palsy stage” scene in which he takes too many quaaludes. Unsurprisingly, Zuckerberg took issue with the film’s depiction of him, saying that he didn’t make Facebook to “get girls” and “get into clubs” but that he just liked “building things.” “[Tonya] was very complimentary about what we pulled off,” said Robbie, “and she was really kind about my skating even though I’m nowhere near as good as I should be. Yeah, she was great.”

7 Biopics Loved By Their Subjects And 8 That Were Shamed - 677 Biopics Loved By Their Subjects And 8 That Were Shamed - 16