—u/MillerTimeMTG “I actually watched this for the second time last night. I’ve been pretty low recently, and when I get low I feel the need to watch a film that will ruin me emotionally. I remembered it being a gut-wrenching movie, but I forgot just how hard it hits you. One of the saddest films I’ve ever seen, but also one of the most beautiful.” —u/Ask-Me-If-Im-Happy —u/byneothername “I don’t think there will ever be a film I don’t want to watch again more than that one. But I can’t deny it’s near perfection as an absolutely beautiful Mike Tyson punch in the gut.” —u/layer11 —u/eyehate “I watched it for the first time shortly after becoming a father. I was lifting free weights while watching and got caught up in the whole situation where the reveal occurs… Not sure how long I stood there with those weights, likely a personal best, and just stood there sobbing… Rough stuff.” —u/Belisar002 —u/Technical_Fall_8770 “I felt the same way; the whole movie I was anxious/on edge. It wasn’t until after I watched it that I realized how good that movie was at making me feel the way the Sandler character must have felt all the time.” —u/DiazIsDirectCurrent —u/gishgali1 “Although it was made in 1994, it still very accurately represents some parts of NZ life/culture in 2022. A horrific masterpiece.” —u/jdyhrberg —u/lizzpop2003 “More effective than any anti-drug movie my high school teachers showed us.” —u/smackbauer —u/Banished_Mainframe “Can confirm. It’s a harder go on the rewatch.” —u/spiderlegged —u/F0tNMC “The person I was dating at the time brought this over for a date night because we both loved Bjork and figured it would be a good lead-up to some sexy time. We spent the rest of the night laying in bed, holding each other.” —u/FabiusBill —u/50pcs224 “I literally felt a weight for several weeks after watching this movie. I felt fucked up.” —u/OdeeSS —u/SometimesGameDev “I’ve watched it twice, once over a decade ago, and liked it; I was sad. Then I watched it recently as a dad, and it killed me on the inside. Not sure I can watch it again. I sure as hell can’t watch it with my kids. But it’s a top movie.” —u/ACardAttack —u/ValmonUni “I saw this on opening weekend at the theatre and came away feeling the same way — it was fascinating but never again, thanks. I did eventually try once a few years later, but the stuff from the novel-within-the-film was just too much.” —u/ehchvee —u/hafabee —u/D-cisivelyIndecisive “I legit felt queasy after watching it.” —u/IrSpartacus —u/bucketAnimator —u/Enjolraic “That ending gutted me.” —u/CastlevaniaGuy —u/IG90 “Man…I tried watching it again after becoming a dad last year. I was not able to go through it just thinking about what happens.” —u/GonzUzumaki —u/Synystermuskrat “It really takes a lot out of you.” —u/postdochell —u/rookierunculus —u/unkleshark “When I discuss this movie with people, I always say: ‘Everyone should see it once. No one needs to see it twice.’” —u/adesimo1 —u/aarondigruccio “I won’t watch the movie. I read the book, and there’s a scene that haunts me to this day. I know it’s in the movie, and I can’t bear to watch it.” —u/mcbeetoto