—FunSquirrell2-4 “My parents had a friend we’ll call Jim, who was a plumber by trade. I actually knew Jim when I was a kid, and he was a very nice, goofy kind of guy who wouldn’t hurt a fly. Kevin did not like Jim. Kevin attempted to push Jim down the basement stairs, but to my parents, it just looked like he lost balance. When they asked what happened, Jim said he felt something just slam into his back. The only reason he didn’t go flying and smack his head on the concrete floor, which would have been a concussion at best, is because my dad managed to grab the back of his shirt JUST in time. Jim did not fix what was wrong in the basement, and never stepped foot near a ledge while in or around that house again.” —Many_Donkey2279 “I turned back to my coworker, and she said, ‘I’m glad you saw that, too.’ We never spoke of it again.” —NightOfTheSlunk “When you walked in, it was very obvious that people had been living there at one point, with food containers and trash nearly covering the floors. When exploring abandoned places like this, I am always armed. Ghosts can’t hurt you; however, people and animals can — and often, people are far more frightening. “After making sure the location was clear and safe, I felt comfortable enough to go into the basement of the structure alone. It was a very old and crumbling basement with shelves lining it, and I had to be careful on the stairs because they were all but falling apart. I sat myself down on the floor, turned off my light, fired up my recorder and began asking some basic questions. “I was there for a good half hour before I gave up; nothing was happening, and I wanted to go back to the others. When I stood up, I suddenly began hearing rustling from the opposite corner of the basement, behind the shelves. I turned around and pointed my flashlight over there, but couldn’t see anything as it continued. I reached down and grabbed a stone, throwing it into the corner to see if it was an animal; however, it didn’t stop. At that point, I drew my firearm from my side and called out, letting whatever it was know that I was armed and that they needed to come out. Still, nothing changed. “I got a call on my radio from my buddy asking where I was. I told him I was in the basement and told him what was happening, so he knew to head over to me. At that point, I backed up to the stairs, and once I reached them, the noise stopped completely. It was dead silent. “I looked at the corner for a bit longer, seeing if anything would move before I turned and went to walk up the stairs. And that’s when it happened. Large, heavy footsteps came from behind me, moving quickly, and were on top of me within an instant. I jumped and bolted up the stairs, racing to the top before turning around and pointing my gun back down with my flashlight. I knew that was a person, had to be, but there was absolutely nothing at the bottom of the stairs, and everything was silent again. “I ended up going back to the car and needing a moment after that. I was shaken up pretty good, and to this day, I have no idea what in the hell tried to jump me down in that basement, because my friend went down there right after, and told me it was completely empty.” —Silver-Syndicate “Anyway, one night, I was in my room, and I was probably in the third or fourth grade. I had a mean but cute chihuahua that slept with me every night. On this night, I couldn’t sleep. She suddenly kept looking at the corner of my ceiling and growling, which she had never done before. She did this for probably 10 minutes or so before I got so scared I jumped out of bed, took a blanket off my bed, and then scooped up my little chihuahua and headed straight for my parents comfy floor by their bed. As I was literally running, I stopped dead in my tracks as I saw a little/teenage(?) ghost girl in a white night gown run from one side of the kitchen and disappear into our dark living room. Now, as an adult, I could say it was my imagination, but my dog that I was holding in my arms saw it. I know it sounds crazy, but our heads literally slowly turned at the same time as we both watched this girl who wasn’t really a human run about 10 feet in front of us. How do you explain us both seeing this at the same time because I honestly would love to know, LOL. “I was frozen for a few seconds, and my dog was looking into the living room, but it was so dark I couldn’t see anything. I sprinted so fast up those stairs and woke my mom up, and of course, she said it was a nightmare.” —cinnamonfever “They took me to go see my uncle, who worked at a church, and the priest at that church had a relative who was a medium that was more experienced than me. So, they did an investigation of what this spirit or thing wanted. The medium found out that this spirit was so attached to me that he wanted me dead so we could be together as spirits. The priest and the medium did something, and Sam was put to rest.” —Lakota_Hotain1500 —Ok-Neighborhood-9916 —sagganuts18 “Dad convinced my mom it was just the animals leaving the house now that their hiding spot is no longer hidden. All I know about the imaginary friend is that he was the ’little boy in the wall.’ Mom, still to this day, refuses to tell me about the conversations I held with him other than they got really creepy after the venturing into the attic. “We moved out after being there one month, and I never talked to the boy in the wall again. Any time I try to bring it up to mom, she gets nervous and a little scared and absolutely refuses to give more details than what I have written here.” —ronalda777

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