“It’s amazing how boring and generic they could make giant robots fighting. I wouldn’t have thought it was possible until I saw it with my own drooping eyes.” —u/Broken-Digital-Clock

“Is that ‘2’ a typo? ‘Cause there’s no way that movie got a sequel. I absolutely hated it so much.” —u/SwmpySouthpw “My buddy went with me to see it, and he said every time he woke up, John Travolta was lifting someone up by their neck.” —u/Smorgas_of_borg “I was so looking forward to this movie, and to call it a letdown would be a vast understatement. Someone called me after it ended, and the tone was immediately sour, prompting my explanation, ‘I’m not mad at you, I’m mad at M. Night Shyamalan.’” —u/usethe4th “They sure advertised it as though it weren’t a documentary. My whole family was going to watch it with me, but then ditched to watch a different movie. I was the only one to stick with it out of stubbornness. 🤣” —u/Gatekeeper-Andy “It just kept going and going. And still made no sense. I don’t remember a single character and don’t remember anything about them.” —u/Vegetable-Double —u/Scootzmagootz “I fell asleep during it, so my wife and I decided to stop and finish it later. We never did.” —u/Dazzling-Raccoon-882 “Except for James Corden. He’s probably behind the scheme, tbh.” —u/joesatmoes “Downsizing is probably the most disappointing/upset I’ve ever been with a movie. It was marketed as a quirky comedy about a guy who shrinks, and I was very excited to see it. It turned out to be horrible, not a comedy at all, and to have very little to do with Matt Damon shrinking.” —u/wpascarelli “This movie was beautiful like perfume ads. Nice costumes, intense stares, beautiful places…and very bad dialogue and scenarios like perfume ads.” —u/JokeOlantern “It alternated between nothing happening and things happening that made no sense at all. It’s as if they tested it and audiences found it too boring, so they tossed in a random scene with moon pirates or space monkeys every so often to try and punch it up.” —u/MisterB78 “If Tree of Life isn’t your answer to this question, I simply assume you haven’t seen it. I’ve been asked why I think it’s so bad, and I find I can’t explain it. I can’t even tell you what it’s about, yet I vividly remember watching it. In fact, I remember thinking, Clearly, this will come together. I’d better pay attention so I don’t miss something, and when it never did, I felt lost and confused.” —u/ilikemanythings_ “And pointless. You forgot pointless. “I remember all the hype around it before it was released, but once it hit theaters, everyone was like, ‘Meh.’ A friend of mine got a hold of a pirated copy, and I remember watching it thinking, What the hell is the point of this movie? And the tone — like, it’s supposed to be a drama, but there’s just random goofy shit thrown in because it’s Baz Luhrmann and he’s just so fuckin’ wacky. “Sorry, for some reason the memory of that movie has made me irrationally angry.” —u/Spiritual_Ad_7162 —u/crap_whats_not_taken “Same for me. I can never get past the first few minutes and I’m off doing something else while the movie plays as background noise.” —u/redditslayer95

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