“REST IN PEACE. TIKTOK WAS NOT A GOOD REPLACEMENT.” —signaturefox2013 “Me: Vine wasn’t around 10 years ago, you idiot! …Googles when Vine came out, 2012… Me: …fuck.” —elting44 “You used AIM until 2016? Bro, are you in some kind of time dilation bubble?” —4tehlulzez “What the fuck is a Skype? Is it like Discord or something?” —straightouttasuburb “Autocorrect Fails were my favorites until they started manufacturing them on meme sites.” —Sassafrass “As an app creator, I can tell you that the old ‘pay once use forever’ model is totally broken with the modern mobile development. It’s literally unsustainable with the saturation and marketing costs. I made a journaling app that was ‘pay once use forever’ that did cost, like, 5€, but I moved it into a free app with subscription for optional content and advanced features because I cannot both keep working on it and spending money on marketing.” —Komrath “I’m glad you said that. I was watching Cash Cab this morning, and they said you could play on your smart phone and showed a BlackBerry as the smart phone. I almost died laughing (it was an old episode; I don’t even think they make the show anymore).” —Freec0fx “BlackBerry phones. That shit looked like alien technology to me.” —youraverageguy333 “I miss the old Netflix. They had an awesome catalog and some great, low-budget, terrible movies.” —mkmore4 “I was on Windows Phone and WebOS. Cries in dead operating systems.” —iampuh “Feels like 2009 was the last year FB was worth it. I dropped it completely in 2011.” —ksuwildkat “True…even my parents are now streaming their old ass crime series. And my friends and I went back to DVDs, Blu-rays, and movie nights at friends’ places. xD” —At0micPizza “MP3 players. Not software, but the hardware…like the portable ones.” —johnpohn “Tumblr porn, so much Tumblr porn.” —riwoni4997 “Are becoming? They’ve been obsolete for quite some time.” —jer487 “Physical media. I freaking love DVDs and especially Blu-rays. The quality just isn’t the same with streaming. It’s a shame 4K Blu-ray will be the last physical media ever. It’s the end of the line.” —CHICKSLAYA

Things That Existed 10 Years Ago But Are Obsolete Today - 72Things That Existed 10 Years Ago But Are Obsolete Today - 15Things That Existed 10 Years Ago But Are Obsolete Today - 43Things That Existed 10 Years Ago But Are Obsolete Today - 64Things That Existed 10 Years Ago But Are Obsolete Today - 86Things That Existed 10 Years Ago But Are Obsolete Today - 53Things That Existed 10 Years Ago But Are Obsolete Today - 22Things That Existed 10 Years Ago But Are Obsolete Today - 38Things That Existed 10 Years Ago But Are Obsolete Today - 47Things That Existed 10 Years Ago But Are Obsolete Today - 4Things That Existed 10 Years Ago But Are Obsolete Today - 19Things That Existed 10 Years Ago But Are Obsolete Today - 30Things That Existed 10 Years Ago But Are Obsolete Today - 17Things That Existed 10 Years Ago But Are Obsolete Today - 47Things That Existed 10 Years Ago But Are Obsolete Today - 62Things That Existed 10 Years Ago But Are Obsolete Today - 78Things That Existed 10 Years Ago But Are Obsolete Today - 3