“I had a friend in high school who had a crush on a girl in our class and told me how he tried to get her attention. He said, ‘I had a big crush on her in sixth grade, so I stole her gym bag and also smashed a bunch of tomatoes on her bike seat.’ Here’s a shocker: He’s now been divorced three times!” —u/Lubafteacup “I’ve started replying to comments like this with some variation of ‘What do you mean by that?’ In essence, ‘Why do I need confidence to wear this crop top?’ I watch them get real awkward, real fast.” —u/Cami-of-course “The number of people, but most notably women, that comment negatively on my long acrylic nails has been astounding. They’ll say things like, ‘Wow, you must not do anything around the house’ or ‘I bet you can’t go to the bathroom.’ Just leave me alone! First of all, I do all of those things just fine. Second, what business is it of yours? It’s just a needless aggression against someone minding their own business and loving their nails, good lord!” —u/Valorandgiggles “The amount of women that tell me men don’t want my body because I ’look like a child’ for being petite and thin. First of all, fuck off. Second of all, no, you don’t know what men want.” —u/ghostlymadd “See also: ‘You’re being too sensitive.’” —u/Lilo_Obi86 —u/Merykare —u/Good-Baker9668 “I hate when people ask me ‘What does your boyfriend/husband think?’ in regards to my hair or some other unconventional choice I’ve made with my life. Really? That’s the first thing that popped into your head?” —u/weenertron “People have different metabolisms and appetites. I don’t understand why anyone would call that out. It’s literally so unnecessary!” —u/ciscotheginger “Someone who un-ironically says that is kind of a red flag for me.” —u/ciscotheginger “I once had a family member tell me that I’d regret not having children when it was too late, and I wanted to say, ‘So, I should do something that I don’t want to do now just in case I regret not doing it when I’m 60? That’s an argument for taking out a pension, not bringing actual humans into the world.’” —u/Lilo_Obi86 “Women’s lives don’t revolve around men, and some people just don’t get that.” —u/ciscotheginger