–Anonymous My husband is 100% on my side, and he is the one who handles his family when issues do come up. He’s taken steps to better understand my life experiences and perspective and has found his own therapist (who is also Asian-American) to help him through different situations. I couldn’t ask for a better partner." –u/EunyCycles –soyboydom –579red –fkntiredbtch As for everyone else, it’s been okay so far, but I think that’s because I was expecting worse. People stare, of course. My mom made an insensitive joke early on, but I shut that down. My biggest concern now is religion. My parents are both Christian pastors, so they’ve been okay for the most part, but I feel like once our wedding is close, or once we have kids, that’s when the trouble will start." –u/rosegoldennight –Upset_Bee_2052 –u/curly-hair07 –Anonymous –u/sugarsodasofa

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