—u/blueracey “It’s basically the same premise of how men write female characters badly. Writing characters as desired fantasy, rather than as real, three-dimensional people is a general malaise of poor writing, period. Truth be told, these same bad writers typically write awful main characters as well, for the same reasons.” —u/reddit_bandito —u/OneSteelTank —u/Hi-im-i “Lots of guys don’t need to talk at all to each other to either understand one another or bond. Just existing in each other’s presence is enough.”  —u/Oakheart- —u/avarageusername —u/Yudereepkb “As a woman, I am tired of this, too. This trope starts early in media. Peppa Pig’s dad is an engineer and really smart when it comes to his job. But outside of that, he is an incompetent dude in most other aspects of life? Like, no.  If he is smart enough to be an engineer, he is smart enough to hang a photo without breaking the whole house in one hammer swing.”  —u/Dr_mombie

Women Writing Men Badly  Guys Tease Male Romance Tropes - 41Women Writing Men Badly  Guys Tease Male Romance Tropes - 44Women Writing Men Badly  Guys Tease Male Romance Tropes - 90Women Writing Men Badly  Guys Tease Male Romance Tropes - 14Women Writing Men Badly  Guys Tease Male Romance Tropes - 34Women Writing Men Badly  Guys Tease Male Romance Tropes - 11Women Writing Men Badly  Guys Tease Male Romance Tropes - 18Women Writing Men Badly  Guys Tease Male Romance Tropes - 62Women Writing Men Badly  Guys Tease Male Romance Tropes - 39Women Writing Men Badly  Guys Tease Male Romance Tropes - 89Women Writing Men Badly  Guys Tease Male Romance Tropes - 98Women Writing Men Badly  Guys Tease Male Romance Tropes - 74Women Writing Men Badly  Guys Tease Male Romance Tropes - 57Women Writing Men Badly  Guys Tease Male Romance Tropes - 96Women Writing Men Badly  Guys Tease Male Romance Tropes - 2Women Writing Men Badly  Guys Tease Male Romance Tropes - 50Women Writing Men Badly  Guys Tease Male Romance Tropes - 45